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Original International Fine Art

Art of The Print Image Gallery Index ( O )

Art of The Print / Image Gallery Index ( O ): This gallery page contains thumbnail images intended as a visual preview of the original works of art listed on our site, with links to the larger images and a full description of each piece. The images are listed in order by the artist's last name, letter (O). Our Gallery, Art of the Print / offers a wide selection of international fine art. We sell original paintings, watercolors, drawings, monotypes, engravings, etchings, lithographs and other mediums of original graphic art. These works of art date from the Renaissance period to the contemporary art period. We guarantee the authenticity of every work of art 100%. Full documentation and certification is provided.

A few of the artists included in this page are George O'Connell, Tighe O'Donoghue Ross, Octavius Oakley, John Wright Oakes, Charles Offin, Fernando Odriozola, Pablo O'Higgins, Kazunari Ogata, John Ogborne, Motoi Oi, Kichiemon Okamura, Hans Olde, Luigi Olivetti, Jessie Phil Olmes, Sue Pospeschil Olson, Sue Olson, Frederick Burr Opper, Emil Orlik, Hans Otto Orlowski, Hans Orlowski, Louis Orr, Laurids Ortner, Elizabeth Osborne, Malcolm Osborne, Roselle Hellenberg Osk, Roselle Osk, William Young Ottley, William Ottley and Frederick L. Owen, Frederick Owen.

The gallery is set up in alphabetical order by artist's last name. This gallery only contains thumb nail images of the art work available for viewing with links to the larger images and a full description of each item. If you want to see the other pages in the image gallery just scroll down or press on any of the letters below and they will take you to the different pages within the image gallery.

Art of The Print / Image Gallery (O)
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W| X | Y | Z |
Odalisque Cycle 2 by George O'Connell O'Connell, George (Madison, Wisconsin, Born, 1926) Odalisque Cycle #2
And the New Sun Rose Bringing the New Year by Tighe O'Donoghue Ross O'Donoghue Ross, Tighe (New York City, 1942 - Resides, County Kerry, Ireland) And the New Sun Rose Bringing the New Year
The Fortune Teller Original Lithograph by Octavius Oakley Oakley, Octavius (Derbyshire, 1800 - 1867) Fortune Teller
The Last Gleam of Day by John Wright Oakes Oakes, John Wright (Middlewich (Cheshire), 1820 - London, 1887) The Last Gleam of Day
Untitled Composition by Fernando Odriozola Odriozola, Fernando (Oviedo, Spain, 1921 - Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1986) Untitled Composition (Sold)
Planters Majorca by Charles Offin Offin, Charles Z. 'Charles Offin' (Philadelphia, 1899 - Manhattan, 1989) Planters, Majorca
French Street Scene by Kazunari Ogata Ogata, Kazunari (Kumamoto, Japan, born, 1933) French Street Scene (The Collector's Guild Ltd., New York)
Village Square France by Kazunari Ogata Ogata, Kazunari (Kumamoto, Japan, born, 1933) Village Square, France (The Collector's Guild Ltd., New York)
As You Like It The Seven Ages of Man Second Age Childhood by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII. The Seven Ages of Man. Second Age. Childhood. Shakspeare Gallery
As You Like It The Seven Ages of Man Fourth Age Manhood by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII. The Seven Ages of Man. Fourth Age. Manhood. Shakspeare Gallery
Charles Pratt, Earl Camden by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) Charles Pratt, Earl Camden
Comus Sabrina Releasing the Lady from her Spell by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) Comus: Sabrina Releasing the Lady from her Spell (The Poetical Works of John Milton)
King Henry the Sixth London The Temple Garden Earl of Somerset Suffolk Warwick Richard Plantagenet Vernon by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) King Henry the Sixth. Part One, Act II, Scene IV. London. The Temple Garden. Earl of Somerset, Suffolk and Warwick; Richard Plantagenet, Vernon, etc. Shakspeare Gallery
Paradise Lost Death Leaving the Gates of Hell by John Ogborne Ogborne, John (Chelmsford, 1755 - London, 1837) Paradise Lost: Death Leaving the Gates of Hell for the World of Man (The Poetical Works of John Milton)
The Maguey of Topilejo by Pablo O'Higgins O'Higgins, Pablo (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1904 - Mexico City, 1983) The Maguey of Topilejo (Sold)
Chicks by Motoi Oi Oi, Motoi (Japan, 1910 - New, York) Chicks (Sold)
Japanese Alphabet letter HE by Kichiemon Okamura Okamura, Kichiemon (Japan, Born, 1916) Japanese Alphabet-letter 'HE'
Japanese Alphabet letter KA by Kichiemon Okamura Okamura, Kichiemon (Japan, Born, 1916) Japanese Alphabet-letter 'KA' (Sold)
Klaus Groth by Hans Olde Olde, Hans (Suderau, 1855 - Cassel, 1917) Klaus Groth
Marina by Jessie Phil Olmes Olmes, Jessie Phil (Cincinnati, Ohio, Active, 1945 - 1985) Marina (Sold)
Flowering Tree by Sue Pospeschil Olson Olson, Sue Pospeschil (Janesville, Wisconsin, born, 1941) Flowering Tree
Peasant Girl by Luigi Olivetti Olivetti, Luigi (Rome, Active 1890 - 1920) Peasant Girl
Autumn Pleasure by Opeyfuss and Sachs Opeyfuss & Sachs, New York Autumn Pleasure
A Soldier's Life by Frederick Burr Opper Opper, Frederick Burr (Madison, Ohio, 1857 - New York, 1937) A Soldier's Life
Puck on Wheels With All The Modern Improvements by Frederick Burr Opper Opper, Frederick Burr (Madison, Ohio, 1857 - New York, 1937) Puck on Wheels With All The Modern Improvements
This is Merely A Social Call by Frederick Burr Opper Opper, Frederick Burr (Madison, Ohio, 1857 - New York, 1937) This is Merely A Social Call...!
On the Victoria Embankment London by Emil Orlik Orlik, Emil (Prague, 1870 - Berlin, 1932) On the Victoria Embankment, London
Study of a Man by Hans Otto Orlowski Orlowski, Hans Otto 'Hans Orlowski' (Insterburg, 1894 - Berlin, 1967) Study of a Man
Le Pont Neuf Vu de L'Ecluse de la Monnaie by Louis Orr Orr, Louis (Hartford, Connecticut, 1879 - Paris, 1935) Le Pont Neuf, Vu de L'Ecluse de la Monnaie (Sold)
Erganzung der Realitat 2 Wegweiser Nurnberg by Laurids Ortner Ortner, Laurids (Linz, Austria, B. 1941) Erganzung der Realitat 2 Wegweiser Nurnberg
August Still Life by Elizabeth Osborne Osborne, Elizabeth (Philadelphia, Born, 1938) August Still Life (Sold)
Stirling Bridge by Malcolm Osborne Osborne, Malcolm (Somerset, 1880 - 1963) Stirling Bridge
L'Oiseau de Bourges by Malcolm Osborne Osborne, Malcolm (Somerset, 1880 - London, 1963) L'Oiseau de Bourges (Sold)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Roselle Hellenberg Osk Osk, Roselle Hellenberg (New York City, 1884 - 1954) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Sold)
Figure of Diogenes in the School of Athens by William Ottley Ottley, William Young (Thatcham, 1771 - London, 1836) Raphael's (Study for the Figure of Diogenes in the School of Athens, from The Italian School of Design)
Mosque of Cordova Spain by Outhwaile Outhwaile (French, active 19th century) Mosque of Cordova, Spain: Jules Gailhabaud's, Histoire de Architecture Ancienne et Moderne (History of Ancient and Modern Architecture)
The Cape Horner by Frederick Owen Owen, Frederick L. (United States, 1869 - 1959) The Cape Horner (Sold)
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Art of The Print: Press any letters below to view other images in the ( gallery. The Works of art are listed alphabetically by artist's last name.
A-Ag Ben-Bez Bri Cim-Cl Df-Dz Fr-Fz Gro-Gru I Ks-Kz Mb-Mi Pj-Po Ron-Rz Sn-So Vb-Vz
Ah-Aq Bi Bro-Bry Co-Cop E Ga-Gar Gu-Gz Ja La Mj-Mz Pp-Pz Sa Sp-Ste Wa
Ar-Az Bl Bs-Bz Cor_Coz Fa Gas-Gaz Ha Jb-Jz Le Na-Ne Q Sb-Sc Sth-Sz Wb-Wh
Ba-Baq Boa-Bor Ca-Can Cr Fe Ge Hb-Hi Ka Lf-Li Nf-Nz Ra-Ran Se Ta-To Wi
Bar Bos-Boz Cap-Caz Cs-Cz Fi Gi-Gl Hj-Hog Kb-Ki Lj-Lz O Rao-Raz Sh Tp-Tz Wj-Wz
Bas-Baz Bra Ce-Cha Da Fl Go Hoh-Hot Kj-Kn Ma-Maq Pa-Pe Re Si U Y
Bea-Bel Bre Che-Cig De Fo Gra-Gri Hou-Hz Ko-Kr Mar-Maz Pf-Pi Rf-Rom Sj-Sm Va Z

For speciality collectors (Art of the Print / provides directories that contain listings for different art categories ranging from the Renaissance period to our contemporary art period. You can search for works of art via the nationality of the artist or by century. If you are looking for a particular subject in the visual arts, such as depictions of animals, children, landscapes, flowers, religion, or other interesting topics, the following list may be of some help.

Select a directory in our gallery (Art of the Print / with a focus on the area of your interest.
Fine Art Special Features
Artists by Nationality Speciality Art Categories
Other categories of interest are the original etchings, engravings and lithographs priced at under 100.00 US dollars.

The Image Gallery only contains the artwork available for viewing. Our (Home Page) contains an explanation of the different graphic art mediums and tips for the novice if you need help. The (Artist Index) contains a complete listing of all the works of art that are posted on this website with links to a full description of each item and images when available. The (Catalogue) contains a full description of all the art works included in this site with links to the images. The (Site Map) outlines the structure of the Art of the Print website. All links are active and can be used for navigation.

The artist biographies, research and or information pertaining to all the original works of art posted on our pages has been written and designed by Greg & Connie Peters exclusively for our site, ( Please visit us regularly to view the latest artworks offered for sale. We will soon be posting an update of our most recent research and include the biographical and historical information pertaining to our next collection of original works of art created by artists throughout the centuries. We hope you found the information you were looking for and that it has been beneficial.

Art of the Print / sells international fine art. Our collection consists of original paintings, watercolors, drawings, and prints, such as etchings, line engravings, lithographs, aquatints, mezzotints, woodcuts, wood engravings, silk-screens, monoprints, monotypes and other mediums of original art. All of these works of art have been created by prominent and established artists, (painters, illustrators, and printmakers). Their nationalities vary from American to British, Canadian, Czechoslovakian, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Mexican, Austrian, Belgium, Israeli, Danish, and Japanese, as well as artists from other countries. The collected works span from the early Renaissance period to the modern and contemporary art period. You can find categories ranging from original fine art to speciality collecting such as animal art, botanical art, genre, portraits, maps, military art, lithographic posters and advertising art, satirical art, sports art and many other areas of interest. - Art of The Print Gallery

Customer inquiries: Contact us E-mail Address for or phone Greg & Connie (905) 957-6666 - Home | About Us | Artist Index | Gallery | Catalogue | Our Policy | Contact Us | Site Map

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