Image Gallery (Mj to Mz)
Art of The Print / Image Gallery Index ( Mj to Mz ): This gallery page contains thumbnail images intended
as a visual preview of the original works of art listed on our site, with links to the larger images and a full
description of each piece. The images are listed in order by the artist's last name, letters, (Mj to Mz). Our Gallery, Art of the Print / offers a wide
selection of international fine art. We sell original paintings, watercolors, drawings, monotypes, engravings, etchings,
lithographs and other mediums of original graphic art. These works of art date from the Renaissance period to the contemporary art period. We guarantee
the authenticity of every work of art 100%. Full documentation and certification is provided.
A few of the artists included in this page are Gladys Amy Mock,
Magdeleine Mocquot, Robert B. Moir, John Moll, Heinrich Balduin Mollhausen, H. B. Mollhausen,
Yvon Monay 'Antoine Monay', Augustin Mongin, William Monk, John Austin Monks, John Austin Sands Monks,
John Monks, Henry Monnier, Monogram: FAMS - AEB, Clara Montalba, Louis Monzies, Henry Moore, Janet Moore, Thomas Cooper Moore, Thomas Moore,
Thomas Moran, Peter Moran, Daniel Mordant, Adrien Moreau, Filippo Morghen, Raphael Morghen,
Tachibana Morikuni, Edmond Morin, George Ford Morris, Benjamin Francis Morrow, Benjamin Morrow,
Barry Moser, August Mosca, Ira Moskowitz, Adolphe Mouilleron, Moy Seong, Louis Fairfax Muckley, Louis Muckley, Juhan Muks,
Hans Alexander Mueller 'Hans Mueller', Hans Mueller, Stefano Mulinari, Christoph Murer, Alice Harold Murphy,
John Murphy, Charles Oliver Murray, Charles Murray, Evert Van Muyden and Louis Marcel Myr.
The gallery is set up in alphabetical order by artist's last
name. This gallery only contains thumb nail images of the art work available
for viewing with links to the larger images and a full description of each item.
If you want to see the other pages in the image gallery just scroll down or press on any of the letters below and
they will take you to the different pages within the image gallery.
Art of The Print / Image Gallery (Mj - Mz) |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W|
X | Y | Z | |
Mock, Gladys Amy 'Gladys Mock' (New York City, 1891 - 1976) |
New England Landscape |
Mocquot, Magdeleine (France, 1910 - 1991) |
Untitled Composition |
Moir, Robert 'Robert Moir' (Chicago, 1917 - New York City, c. 1990) |
Tempest |
Moll, John (Reading, PA., 1908 - Easton, Maryland, 1991) |
Annapolis State House |
Moll, John (Reading, PA., 1908 - Easton, Maryland, 1991) |
St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis (Sold) |
Mollhausen, Heinrich Balduin 'H. B. Mollhausen' (Born, Germany, 1825 - Berlin, Germany, 1905) |
Canadian River near Camp 38 |
Mollhausen, Heinrich Balduin 'H. B. Mollhausen' (Born, Germany, 1825 - Berlin, Germany, 1905) |
Rio Colorado near the Mojave (Mohave) Villages |
Mollhausen, Heinrich Balduin 'H. B. Mollhausen' (Born, Germany, 1825 - Berlin, Germany, 1905) |
Valley of La Cuesta, Rio Pecos |
Monay, Antoine 'Yvon Monay' (St. Prex, 1922 - Lausanne, 1954) |
Reflects sur la Seine (Reflections on the Seine) (Sold) |
Mongin, Augustin (Paris, 1843 - Chatillon-sous-Bagneux, 1911) |
The Highwaymen's Farewell |
Monk, William (Chester, 1863 - London, 1937) |
The Royal Jubilee Celebrations at St. Paul's Cathedral |
Monks, John Austin Sands (Cold Spring-on-Hudson, NY, 1850 - Chicago, 1917) |
Feeding Sheep |
Monks, John Austin Sands (Cold Spring-on-Hudson, NY, 1850 - Chicago, 1917) |
Driving the Sheep (Sold) |
Monnier, Henry (Paris, 1799 - 1877) |
Boucher, Marchande de Poissons ('Butcher and Fish Merchant) |
Monogramme: E. H. 'Ernst Hayman' (Munich, 1873 - c. 1945) |
Bauerin am Ochsenpflug (Farmers and Oxplough) (Sold) |
Monogram: FAMS - AEB |
The Reds of the Midi: An Episode of the French Revolution |
Monogramme: L. V. S. 'Leslie Victor Smith' (Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, 1880 - Toronto?, 1952) |
Ex-Libris J. Edouard Diamond |
Monogramme: W. R. (19th century artist) |
A Coastal Scene With a Harbour View (Sold) |
Monogramme: W. R. (19th century artist) |
Coastal Scene With a Steam Vessel (Sold) |
Montalba, Clara (Cheltenham, 1842 - 1929) |
Fishing Boat, Venice |
Monzies, Louis (Montauban, 1849 - Le Mans, 1930) |
L' Opinion du Modele |
Moore, Henry (York, 1831 - Margate, 1895) |
Moonlight |
Moore, Janet (Hanover, NH, 1906 - Stonington, Maine, 1992) |
Harbor View, Penobscot Bay Area, Maine |
Moore, Thomas Cooper (Nottingham, 1827-1901) |
At Wilford (Sold) |
Moore, Thomas Cooper (Nottingham, England, 1827 - 1901) |
'St. Anne's Well' or 'Robin Hood's Well' |
Moran, Peter (Bolton, England, 1841 - Philadelphia, PA, 1914) |
The Noonday Rest |
Moran, Peter (Bolton, England, 1841 - Philadelphia, PA, 1914) |
Wild Boars in the Forest of Fontainebleau |
Moran, Thomas (Bolton, England, 1837 - Santa Barbara, CA, 1926) |
A Southerly Wind and a Cloudy Sky Proclaim it a Hunting Morning |
Moran, Thomas (Bolton, England, 1837 - Santa Barbara, CA, 1926) |
A Storm in the Mountains (The Aldine, The Art Journal of America) |
Moran, Thomas (Bolton, England, 1837 - Santa Barbara, CA, 1926) |
Lake George (Sold) |
Moran, Thomas (Bolton, England, 1837 - Santa Barbara, CA, 1926) |
Passaic Meadows (In The Newark Meadows) |
Morando, Mario |
Bas Relief at the Church of Santa Maria de' Miracoli |
Morando, Mario |
Ornamentation From The 'Scalea de' Giganti' Near the Ducal Palace |
Morando, Mario |
Ornaments Designed by Carlo Simonetti |
Mordant, Daniel (Quimper, 1853 - Paris, 1914) |
La Jeune Femme a la Rose |
Moreau, Adrien (Troyes, 1843 - Paris, 1906) |
L' Archer de Charles IX (The Archer of Charles IX) (Sold) |
Morghen, Filippo (Florence, 1730 - Naples, 1777) |
Carlos III Hispania Atque Indiarum
Rex (Charles III, King of Spain) (Sold) |
Morghen, Filippo (Florence, 1730 - Naples, 1777) |
Pianta del Cratere Surrounding Naples (Sold) |
Morghen, Filippo (Florence, 1730 - Naples, 1777) |
Veduta Degli Avanzi del Tempio di Venere Nel Seno di Baia |
Morghen, Filippo (Florence, 1730 - Naples, 1777) |
Study of an Ancient Roman Wall Relief (Sold) |
Morghen, Raphael (Florence, 1758 - 1833) |
Anglica and Medoro (Sold) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Egret and Rush from the Unpitsu soga (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Floral Study (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) (Sold) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Horses (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) (Sold) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Peacock (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) (Sold) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Water Buffalo (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) (Sold) |
Morikuni, Tachibana (Osaka, 1679-1748) |
Young Sparrow (Moving Brush in Rough or Rapid Painting) (Sold) |
Morin, Edmond (au Havre, 1824 - Scaeux, 1882) |
Pays Quand Meme (Home all the Same) |
Morris, George Ford (St. Joseph, MO., 1873 - Arcadia, CA., 1960) |
Horse Study (Sold) |
Morrow, Benjamin Francis (United States, 1891 - 1958) |
Justice on Trial |
Mosca, August (Naples, Italy, 1909 - Shelter Island, New York, 2003) |
Young Dreamer (Sold) |
Moser, Barry (Chattanooga, Tennessee, born, 1940) |
Moraine, Albany (Sold) |
Moskowitz, Ira (Poland, 1912 - New York City, 1985) |
Meditation (Bukharian Synagogue) (Sold) |
Moskowitz, Ira (Poland, 1912 - New York City, 1985) |
The Jewish Wedding (Sold) |
Mouilleron, Adolphe (Paris, 1820 – 1881) |
L'Orage (The Storm) |
Mouilleron, Adolphe (Paris, 1820 – 1881) |
Jeune homme jouant de la basse (Young Man Playing the Cello) (Sold) |
Moy, Seong (Canton, China, 1921 - Lives, New York) |
Nassau County #1 (Sold) |
Muckley, Louis Fairfax (Stourbridge, England, 1861 - c. 1915) |
Portrait of Frank Richards |
Muckley, Louis Fairfax (Stourbridge, England, 1861 - c. 1915) |
Sketch of Frank Richards |
Muks, Juhan Jaagu 'Juhan Muks' (Viljandimaa, Estonia, 1899 - 1983) |
Harlequin |
Mueller, Hans Alexander 'Hans Mueller' (Nordhausen, Germany, 1888 - United States, 1962) |
Still Life |
Murer, Christoph (Zurich, 1558 - Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614) |
A Hunter Returning to Town (Sold) |
Murer, Christoph 'Maurer' (Zurich, 1558 - Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614 |
About Eggs, and which Bird's Eggs to Choose |
Murer, Christoph (Zurich, 1558 - Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614) |
Fish Merchant |
Murer, Christoph 'Maurer' (Zurich, 1558 - Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614 |
Milking and Butter Churning (Sold) |
Murer, Christoph (Zurich, 1558
- Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614) |
Spices and Herbs |
Murer, Christoph (Zurich, 1558 - Winterthur, Switzerland, 1614) |
Wine and Vinegar Production |
Mulinari, Stefano (Florence, 1741 - c. 1795) |
Moses Smashing the Tablets (Sold) |
Muller, Claudia T. (20th century artist) |
Bargello (Sold) |
Murphy, Alice Harold (Springfield, MA, 1896, New York, 1966) |
Artist at Work |
Murphy, John (Ireland, 1748 - London, c. 1807) |
The Cyclops at Their Forge (The Houghton Gallery) (Sold) |
Murray, Charles Oliver (Roxburghshire, 1842 - South Croydon, 1923) |
Rood Screen, the Church of St. Nicholas (Sold) |
Muyden, Evert Van (Albano, Laziale, 1853 - Orsay (near Paris), 1922) |
Lion "1er Croquis Eau Forte" ('First Study for the Etching') (Sold) |
Myr, Louis Marcel (Buxy 'Saone-et-Loire', 1893 - 1964) |
Les Deux Conseuses |
Art of The Print / Image Gallery Index Page (Mj to Mz) |
View the Next Image Gallery Page (Na to Ne). |
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For speciality collectors (Art of the Print / provides directories that contain listings for different art categories ranging from the Renaissance period to our contemporary art period. You can search for works of art via the nationality of the artist or by century. If you are looking for a particular subject in the visual arts, such as depictions of animals, children, landscapes, flowers, religion, or other interesting topics, the following list may be of some help.
Select a directory in our gallery (Art of the Print / with a focus on the area of your interest. |
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Other categories of interest are the original etchings, engravings and lithographs priced at under 100.00 US dollars. |
Art of the Print / sells international fine art. Our collection consists of original paintings, watercolors, drawings, and prints, such as etchings, line engravings, lithographs, aquatints, mezzotints, woodcuts, wood engravings, silk-screens, monoprints, monotypes and other mediums of original art. All of these works of art have been created by prominent and established artists, (painters, illustrators, and printmakers). Their nationalities vary from American to British, Canadian, Czechoslovakian, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Mexican, Austrian, Belgium, Israeli, Danish, and Japanese, as well as artists from other countries. The collected works span from the early Renaissance period to the modern and contemporary art period. You can find categories ranging from original fine art to speciality collecting such as animal art, botanical art, genre, portraits, maps, military art, lithographic posters and advertising art, satirical art, sports art and many other areas of interest.
The artist biographies, research and or information pertaining to all the original works of art posted on our pages has been written and designed by Greg & Connie Peters exclusively for our site, ( Please visit us regularly to view the latest artworks offered for sale. We will soon be posting an update of our most recent research and include the biographical and historical information pertaining to our next collection of original works of art created by artists throughout the centuries. We hope you found the information you were looking for and that it has been beneficial.