Day & Son 'Royal Lithographers to Queen Victoria' |
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Image |
Title & Artist |
Artist Info |
Medium |
Date |
Source |
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Ackermann, London |
01.- |
Moon Rise in The Valley of Cairn Gorm by Michel Bouquet |
Michel Bouquet (Lorient, 1807 - Paris, 1890) |
Original Lithograph |
1849 |
Ackermann, London |
Sold |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
01.- |
A Limoges Enamel Plaque, Early Sixteenth Century by Francis Bedford |
Francis Bedford (London, 1816 - 1894) |
Original Lithograph |
1858 |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
02.- |
Early Limoges Enamel, 12th or 13th Century by Francis Bedford |
Francis Bedford (London, 1816 - 1894) |
Original Lithograph |
1858 |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
03.- |
Faenza Ware Plate by Francis Bedford |
Francis Bedford (London, 1816 - 1894) |
Original Lithograph |
1858 |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
04.- |
Flemish Ewer, Jug and Stoneware, 16th Century by Francis Bedford |
Francis Bedford (London, 1816 - 1894) |
Original Lithograph |
1858 |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
Sold |
05.- |
Portrait of Princess Elizabeth, in Enamel by Limousin by Francis Bedford |
Francis Bedford (London, 1816 - 1894) |
Original Lithograph |
1858 |
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom |
Sold |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
01.- |
Sea Beach - Norfolk Fisherman on the Look Out (The Fisherman) by Frederick Bacon Barwell |
Frederick Bacon Barwell (London, c. 1831 - 1922) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
02.- |
Hagar and Ishmael by Joseph Clark |
Joseph Clark (Cerne Abbas (Dorset), 1834 - Ramsgate, 1926) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
03.- |
The May Wreath by William Gale |
William Gale (London, 1823 - 1909) |
Original Etching |
1861 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
04.- |
Scene of the Plague in London, 1665 by Charles Samuel Keene |
Charles Samuel Keene (Hornsea, 1823 - London, 1891 |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
05.- |
Sisters of Mercy by Matthew James Lawless |
Matthew James Lawless (Dublin, 1837 - Bayswater, 1864) |
Original Etching |
1859 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
06.- |
The Little Shipwrights by Matthew James Lawless |
Matthew James Lawless (Dublin, 1837 - Bayswater, 1864) |
Original Etching |
1859-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
07.- |
The Cornfield by Arthur James Lewis |
Arthur James Lewis 'Arthur Lewis' (London, 1824 - 1901) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
08.- |
Summer Indolence by John Everett Millais |
John Everett Millais (Southampton, 1829 - London, 1896) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
09.- |
Moonlight by Henry Moore |
Henry Moore (York, 1831 - Margate, 1895) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
10.- |
The Last Gleam of Day by John Wright Oakes |
John Wright Oakes (Middlewich (Cheshire), 1820 - London, 1887) |
Original Drypoint & Etching |
1859-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
11.- |
The Rainbow by Sir Francis Powell |
Sir Francis Powell (Pendleton, 1833 - Dunoon, Scotland, 1914) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
12.- |
St. Valentine's Day by Charles Rossiter |
Charles Rossiter (London, 1827 - 1897) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
13.- |
Nearing Home by Walter Severn |
Walter Severn (Frascati (near Rome), 1830 - London, 1904) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
14.- |
Supping on Horrors by Frederick Smallfield |
Frederick Smallfield (London, 1829 - 1915) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
15.- |
The Shoe-Black by Frederick Smallfield |
Frederick Smallfield (London, 1829 - 1915) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
16.- |
Winter Revels by Frederick Smallfield |
Frederick Smallfield (London, 1829 - 1915) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
17.- |
War and Glory by Sir John Tenniel |
Sir John Tenniel (London, 1820 - 1914) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
18.- |
Study of a Head by Henry Clarence Whaite |
Henry Clarence Whaite (Manchester, 1828 - Conwy Valley, Wales, 1912) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
19.- |
Sketching by James McNeill Whistler |
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (Lowell, MA, 1834 - London, 1903) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
20.- |
The Punt by James McNeill Whistler |
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (Lowell, MA, 1834 - London, 1903) |
Original Etching |
1861-62 |
Passages from Modern English Poets |
Vanity Fair |
01.- |
Vice - Admiral Caillard by Jean Baptiste Guth |
Jean Baptiste Guth (Bayonne, London, died, 1921) |
Original Lithograph |
1905 |
Vanity Fair |
02.- |
Various Vanity Fair Prints (Collection of 40 Original Lithographs) |
Miscellaneous Vanity Fair Portraits (Collection of Forty) |
Original Lithographs |
1875 to 1903 |
Vanity Fair |
03.- |
Madam Sarah Bernhardt by a Vanity Fair artist, Monogramme: 'K' |
Monogramme: 'K' |
Original Lithograph |
1912 |
Vanity Fair |
Sold |
04.- |
The Lord Chief Justice of England (Lord Alverstone) by a Vanity Fair artist, Monogramme: 'W. H.' |
Monogramme: 'W. H.' |
Original Lithograph |
1913 |
Vanity Fair |
05.- |
Albert Seymour by Carlo Pellegrini Known as 'Ape' |
Carlo Pellegrini 'Ape' (Capua, Italy, 1839 - London, 1889) |
Original Lithograph |
1877 |
Vanity Fair |
06.- |
The Lord Chief Baron (The Right Honourable Sir Fitz Roy Edward Kelly) by a Vanity Fair artist |
Vanity Fair artist |
Original Lithograph |
1871 |
Vanity Fair |
07.- |
A Professor (Mr. James Edwin Thorold Rogers) by Sir Leslie Ward 'Spy' |
Sir Leslie Ward, 'Spy' (London, 1851 - 1922) |
Original Lithograph |
1884 |
Vanity Fair |
Sold |
08.- |
H. A. C. (The Earl of Denbigh) by Sir Leslie Ward 'Spy' |
Sir Leslie Ward, 'Spy' (London, 1851 - 1922) |
Original Lithograph |
1894 |
Vanity Fair |
09.- |
The Admiral (Sir James Dairymple Horn Elphinstone, M. P.) by Sir Leslie Ward 'Spy' |
Sir Leslie Ward, 'Spy' (London, 1851 - 1922) |
Original Lithograph |
1878 |
Vanity Fair |
10.- |
Turf Devotee - The Right Honourable Lord Hothfield by Sir Leslie Ward 'Spy' |
Sir Leslie Ward, 'Spy' (London, 1851 - 1922) |
Original Lithograph |
1889 |
Vanity Fair |
Portraits of John Milton (England, 1608 - 1674) |
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Image |
Title & Artist |
Artist Info |
Medium |
Publisher |
Date |
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01.- |
John Milton, Age 21 by William Nelson Gardiner |
William Nelson Gardiner (Dublin, 1766 - London, 1814) |
Original Stipple Engraving and Etching |
John and Josiah Boydell & George Nicol, London |
1794 |
Sold |
02.- |
John Milton, Age 62 by William Nelson Gardiner |
William Nelson Gardiner (Dublin, 1766 - London, 1814) |
Original Stipple Engraving and Etching |
John and Josiah Boydell & George Nicol, London |
1794 |
03.- |
Portrait of John Milton as a Child by Giovanni Battista Cipriani |
Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence, Italy, 1727 - London (Hammersmith), 1785) |
Original Etching |
Thomas Hollis (J. & J. Boydell & G. Nicol Edition, 1794) |
1760 |
04.- |
Portrait of John Milton as a Young Man by Giovanni Battista Cipriani |
Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence, Italy, 1727 - London (Hammersmith), 1785) |
Original Etching |
Thomas Hollis (J. & J. Boydell & G. Nicol Edition, 1794) |
1760 |
05.- |
Portrait of John Milton in Old Age by Giovanni Battista Cipriani |
Giovanni Battista Cipriani (Florence, Italy, 1727 - London (Hammersmith), 1785) |
Original Etching |
Thomas Hollis (J. & J. Boydell & G. Nicol Edition, 1794) |
1760 |
06.- |
Portion of a Shield (John Milton dictating his epic poem, "Paradise Lost", to his daughter.) by John Alfred Vinter |
John Alfred Vinter (London, 1828 - 1905) |
Original Lithograph |
Day & Son, London |
1852 |
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