Title: |
Jeune homme jouant de la basse (Young Man Playing the Cello) |
Designer: |
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (Lyons, France, 1815 - Paris, 1891) |
Artist: |
Mouilleron, Adolphe (Paris, 1820 – 1881) |
Date: |
1842 |
Medium: |
Original Lithograph |
Publisher: |
Challamel, 4. Rue de L'Abbaye, Faubourg Saint-Germain, Paris |
Printer: |
Bertauts, Paris |
Source: |
Album du Salon de 1842 |
Note: |
Adolphe Mouilleron: Born and raised in Paris, Adolphe Mouilleron began exhibiting there at the Salon in 1846. Highly regarded for both his paintings and original lithographs, Adolphe Mouilleron was awarded medals for his art from the Paris Salon in 1849, 1852 and 1855. He was appointed to the Legion d'honneur in 1852. In 1856 Adolphe Mouilleron moved to Amsterdam and worked in that city for several years. Adolphe Mouilleron, co-founded "Les Artistes Contemporains" (1845-1855), along with Eugene Leroux, Celestin Nanteuil, Francois-Louis Francais and Henri Baron. He was also a contributor to the lithographic series, "Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes" which ran from about 1850 to 1860. Examples of Adolphe Mouilleron's art can be found in the permanent collections of the Rijks Museum, Holland, The British Museum, London, the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, and other important private and public collections. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston includes an impression of Adolphe Mouilleron's "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" in its permanent collection, accession Number B3871. |
A large part of Mouilleron's artistic work dealt with creating lithographs after the designs of such contemporary artists as Jean Meissonier, Robert Fleury, Bonington, Chasseriau, Diaz, Dupre, Decamps and others. He also created a number of fine, original compositions based upon his own designs, such as "L'Orage" which is a superb example of his individual, artistic talents. "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" is based upon a composition in oils by the French artist, Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier. |
Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (Lyon, France, 1815 - Paris, 1891): Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier was one of France's most popular painters of the late nineteenth century. At an early age, he moved to Paris and studied art under Leon Cogniet. He first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1836. Fifty years later the Salon held a special, retrospective exhibition of his art. |
Famous for his figure studies and military and history scenes Meissonier was decorated by the Legion d'honneur (1846) and named a member of the Institute (1861). He was also the first artist to receive the Grand Cross from the Legion of Honour. Today major museums in Amsterdam, St. Petersburg, London, Paris, Munich, Luxembourg and Versailles include his paintings in their permanent collections. The largest collections of Meissonier's art are found in the Wallace Collection, London, and in the Musee d'Orsay, Paris. |
Jeune homme jouant de la basse (Young Man Playing the Cello): An original lithograph by the nineteenth century French artist, Adolphe Mouilleron "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" is based upon a composition created by Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier and bears his initials "ME" (in reverse), and dated, 1841 within the plate. This lithograph also bears the text, "Salon de 1842", & the designer's name, "Meissonier" in the upper margin, as well as the lithographer's name, "Mouilleron del", the title, "Jeune homme jouant de la basse", the printer's details, "Imp. Bertauts, Paris", and the publisher's address, "Challamel e'dit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye" along the lower margin as published for the "Album du Salon de 1842" and listed in the index entitled, Classification des Dessins de L'Album du Salon de 1842, page 60, as "Jeune homme jouant de la basse", peints par MM Meissonier, reproduits par Mouilleron, # 15. The "Gazette des beaux-arts", Tome Vingtieme, 1866, page 83 contains an article entitled "L'Oeuvre de M. Meissonier", concerning the publication of this original lithograph, it reads; " A. Mouilleron. - "Jeune homme jouant de la basse". Il es vetu de noir; la partition qu'il etudie est posee ouverte devant luji sur une chaise. Publie dans la Salon de 1842, par M. Challamel, et ensuite dans "L'Artiste". La peinture, datee de 1841, avait ete achetee par M. Paul Perier et appartint ensuite au baron Corvisart".** |
"Jeune homme jouant de la basse" is one of several musical compositions created by Adolphe Mouilleron, other such works include "Joueur de mandoline" after Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, "le joueur de luth", also after Meissonier, "Stradivarious" after Ed. Hamman, and others. "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" depicts a young man playing the cello while reading the musical composition from a music sheet positioned on the chair in front of him. In the background, there is a table and a painting on the wall. It was commissioned for the "Album du Salon de 1842" Collection des principaux ouvrages exposes au Louvre, Reproduits, Par Les Peintres Eux-Memes, Ou sous Leur Direction, Par MM, Alophe, Arnout, Ales, Baron, Bour, Dauzats, Fichot, Francais, Csell, Jacot, B. Leroux, Marvy, Mouilleron, Leon Noel, Text Par Wilhelm Tenint, Publie par Challamel, Paris, Chez L'Editeur, 4, Rue de L'Abbaye, Faubourg Saint-Germain. 1842. The 1842 volume contained 58 plates, four of them are lithographs by Adolphe Mouilleron, all listed in the index page 60, entitled, Classification des Dessins de L' Album du Salon de 1842. The first lithograph in this issue by Mouilleron is #15 entitled, "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" after Meissonier, the 2nd is #17 entitled, "Aglae de Phalere" after Leygue, the 3rd is #27 entitled, "Louis de Bourbon devant la cour de Francois II" after Oscar Gue, and the 4th is # 39 entitled, "La lecture de L'Evangile dans l'eglise d'Ara-Coeli, a Rome" after Oct. Blanchard. |
Album du Salon de (1839-1844): Edited by Augustin Challamel (Jules Robert), "Album du Salon" was an illustrated journal of literature, the sciences and the arts. The first issue, with a slightly different title, "Le Salon de 1839" contained twenty plates, with text by Laurent-Jan. It was followed by, "Album du Salon de 1840", which contained forty one plates, with text by Jules Robert (Augustin Challamel); preface by le baron Taylor. The third publication was "Album du Salon de 1841", which contained sixty three plates, and text by Wilhelm Tenint. This was followed by "Album du Salon de 1842", fifty eight plates, text by Whilhelm Tenint, and "Album du Salon de 1843", sixty plates, text by Wilhelm Tenint, and the lastly "Album du Salon de 1844", which contained fifty nine plates, with text, edited by Challamel, in all, six albums containing three hundred and one prints were produced. "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" (Young Man Playing the Cello) hails from the 1842 issue. |
Album du Salon... contained reproductive, but most importantly, original prints by fine 19th century painters and printmakers who exhibited their works of art at the Louvre during that period. Each album also included a review of the principal paintings, sculptures, architecture, watercolors, engravings and lithographs exhibited at the Louvre. The "Album du Salon" prints were created by or under the supervision of such fine artists as Alexandre Decamps, Amaury-Duval, C. Corot, Andre Giroux, Eugene Isabey, Eugene Delacroix, Henri Delaborde, Paul Flandrin, Robert Fleury, Adolphe Leleux, Ch. Lefebre and others. Contributing printmakers for the series of this publication included such fine artists as Alophe-M., Beyot, Henri Charles Antoine Baron, Bayor, C. Bour, Eugene Ciceri, Francois-Louis Francais, Jorel, Aug. Lemoine, Loire, Marvy, Adolphe Mouilleron, Tony Johannot, Emile Lassale, Victor Petit, Sabatier, Victor Petit, Mademoiselle Anais Colin, Th. Frere, Achille Giroux, W. Hyld, Celestin Nanteuil, Leon Noel, Henriquel-Dupont, Challamel, Eugene Leroux "Eugene Le Roux', Adrien Dauzats and others. Additional prints (proof impressions and early impressions), after the Salon paintings were also offered for sale at the address of the publisher / editor (Challamel edit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye, Faubourg Saint-Germain). |
Augustin Challamel 'Jules Robert' (1818-1894): A 19th century, painter, graphic artist, historian, and publisher, Augustin Challamel, i.e., Jules Robert was a member and president of the 'Societe des Gens de Lettres' and Conservateur a la Biblioteque Sainte- Genevieve, Paris. There seems to be some confusion as to the identity of Augustin Challamel and, or Jules Robert, who is also listed as Jules-Robert-Pierre-Joseph Challamel. Some sources indicate they were brothers, where as others note that the pseudonym of the publisher / editor of "Album du Salon", Augustin Challamel, was Jules Robert. Information concerning Challamel's pseudonym can be found in the "Album du Salon de 1842", Ouvrages Publies par Challamel. The "Manuel de L'Amateur de Livres du XIX Siecle (1801-1893)", by Georges Vicaire, Librairie A. Rouquette, Paris 1894, page 25-26, contains further information concerning the "Album du Salon" and notes that the series was published by M. Augustin Challamel, at rue de l'Abbaye, 4, Paris. It also includes the following text; "Jules Robert est le Pseudonyme de M. Augustin Challamel". This original Mouilleron lithograph entitled, "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" (Young Man Playing the Cello) bears the address, "Challamel e'dit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye", along the lower margin. A third source, "Lexicon Pseudonymorum" by Emil Weller, Regensburg, Verlag von Alfred Coppenrath, 1886, page 482, provides a listing for Jules Robert (1841-1842), confirming that name as Augustin Challamel's pseudonym. And lastly, the "Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains", by G. Vapereau, Quatrieme Edition, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1870, page 362, lists Jean-Babtiste-Marie-Augustin (1818-1894) as the publisher of the "Album du Salon" publication. It also contains information for Jules-Robert-Pierre-Joseph Challamel (French, 1813 - c. 1848/1892 ?), who is listed, by some, as the publisher/ editor of the "Album du Salon". See: page 362 (same volume), Challamel (Pierre-Joseph) (Paris, 1813- ), French artist, editor, painter and lithographer. Augustin Challamel was responsible for numerous publications that dealt with the arts, French history, and various other subjects, volumes such as "Les Francais Sous La Revolution", par MM. Augustin Challamel et Whilhelm Tenint, Paris, Challamel, Editeur, 4, Rue de L'Abbaye (1843), "Exposition de L'industrie Francaise Annee 1844, Texte par M. Jules Burat, Publiee par M. Challamel, Editeur, 13, Rue de la Harpe, (1844). Challamel contributed text to the "Album du Salon 1840", using his pseudonym. The 1840 Album title page contains the the following text; "Texte par Jules Robert", and then signs off as Challamel. He also contributed several lithographs for various albums in the series. The "Album de Salon1840" issue contained five lithographs by him, "Caravane arretee dans les ruines de Balbeck" after Marihat, "La Saboterie" after Fortin, "Justice de Trajan" after Eugene Delacroix, "Vase funeraire" after Pradier, and "Les Forges de Fourchambault"after Bonhomme. Lithographs by Jules-Robert-PIerre-Joseph Challamel also appeared in L'Artist and L'Illustration. |
Bertauts, Publishing & Printing Firm (c. 1830's - c. 1970's): The renowned French lithographic publisher and printer, Bertauts was considered one of the finest printers in Europe during the mid-nineteenth century. According to the Beaus-Arts – de la Lithographie et des Imprimeurs, Bertauts began printing lithographs after 1826 and established his lithographic firm in 1836. During the 1830's and into the 1870's, original lithographs printed by Bertauts appeared in such publications as, "L'Artiste, Paris" (1831-1904), "Album du Salon" (1839-1844), "Les Beaux-Arts" (1843-1844), "Les Artistes Contemporains", (1845 - 1853), "Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes, Paris" (1850 - 1862), "Animaux et Paysages d'Apres Nature" (1858), the "Gazette des beaux arts" (1859-1939), "Souvenirs d' Artistes" (1860-1876), and other major 19th century art journals of the time. "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" (Young Man Playing the Cello) was printed by Bertauts for the "Album du Salon de 1842" published by Challamel, 4. Rue de L'Abbaye, Faubourg Saint-Germain, Paris. |
Reference: |
"Album du Salon du 1841", Collection des Principaux Ouvrages Exposes au Louvre, Reproduits Par les Peintres Eux - Memes ou sous Leur Direction, (Index), Clasification des Dessins de L'Album du Salon de 1841, Les portes de fer - Dauzats - Dauzats - #29 |
"Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains", G. Vapereau, Quatrieme Edition, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1870, page 362. |
"Lexicon Pseudonymorum", Emil Weller, Regensburg, Verlag von Alfred Coppenrath, 1886, page 482. |
"Gazette des beaux-arts", Courrier Europeen de L'Art et de la Curiosite, Paris, Tome Vingtieme, 1866, page 83 * |
Size: |
8 1/8 X 5 3/4 (Sizes in inches are approximate,
height preceding width of plate-mark or image.) |
Framed Matted with 100% Archival Materials |
Buy Now |
Price: $295.00 US |
Condition: |
Printed upon fine 19th century chine collle and impressed onto a very large sheet of wove paper with full margins as printed in Paris by Challamel 1842. Bearing the text, "Salon de 1842", & the designer's name, "Meissonier" in the upper margin, as well as the lithographer's name, "Mouilleron del", the title, "Jeune homme jouant de la basse", the printer's details, "Imp. Bertauts, Paris", and the publisher's address, "Challamel e'dit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye" along the lower margin as published for the "Album du Salon de 1842". Also bearing Meissonier's initials "ME" in reverse, and dated 1841 within the plate. Containing overall toning and foxing within the image and margins due to a former acidic matting, else a good impression and in fair condition throughout. "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" (‘Young Man Playing the Cello’) represents a prime, original example of the lithographic art of Adolphe Mouilleron and of the influential art of Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier. |
Subject: |
Adolphe Mouilleron, Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, "Jeune homme jouant de la basse" (‘Young Man Playing the Cello’), original lithograph, Challamel, Salon of 1842, Grand Cross, Musee d'Orsay. |
Price: |
Sold - The price is no longer available. |
Important Information: |
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