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Eugene Paul Metour

Eugene Paul Metour - Southern Pines

Southern Pines

Eugene Paul Metour's "Southern Pines", is an original etching created by the American artist in 1923 . This original impression is printed upon thick wove paper as published by The Print Connoisseur and is signed in pencil by the artist.

"He (Eugene Paul Metour) has that sense of the beautiful which is becoming as rare among artists as is the sense of melody among musicians ... One discovers, further, feeling for line and pattern and the ability to grasp and project those elusive, intangible elements that determine the Spirit of the Place -- those curious indefinable qualities that give localities distinguishing characteristics far more compelling than those bestowed by mere physical manifestation." *

Title: Southern Pines
Artist: Metour, Eugene Paul (Brittany, France, 1880 - Williamstown, MA, 1928)
Date: 1923
Medium: Original Etching
Publisher: The Print Connoisseur, New York
Note: Eugene Paul Metour: A Franco American etcher, illustrator, architect and writer, Eugene Paul Metour was born in Brittany and was raised in France's North African colonies. His formal education was in the discipline of architecture and he was a graduate of London's Polytechnic School. After serving one year with the French Foreign Legion Metour moved to the United States in 1903. He first gained public attention in 1909 with the publication of a novel, In the Wake of the Green Banner, which dealt with French military affairs in Algeria and Morocco. Other books authored by Eugene Paul Metour include, The North African element in contemporary French Literature (1917), The art of the catacombs and the begining of Christian painting (1924), The dancer and the friar: a balad in Prose (1926).
  Metour's first published etching dates from 1916. At that time he was teaching art at Ohio State University. A year later, however, he accepted a similar position at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. Intrigued by Maryland's cities and landscapes he produced over forty original etchings (including this original example) on these subjects during the following six years. Metour then moved to Williamstown, Massachusetts, and taught at Williams College.
  During the 1920's the art of Eugene Paul Metour was widely exhibited in such cities as Baltimore, Washington, New York and Boston. His etched art is included in major public collections such as the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
  The Print Connoisseur published illustrated articles on contemporary etchers and engravers on a quarterly basis from January, 1920 to December, 1931. A minimum of one original print was commissioned for each issue and the more expensive, limited editions of 100 each contained a signed impression in pencil by the artist. During its decade of publishing such major artists as George Elbert Burr, Frank Benson, Lynd Ward, Harry Cimino, J. W. Winkler, Preissig, Alan Lewis, Eugene Paul Metour and J. J. Lankes contributed original etchings, wood engravings and woodcuts. This New York based publication was thus responsible for commissioning some of the finest original art of early twentieth century America. Southern Pines was published in July of 1923 in a limited edition of 100 artist signed impressions
Raisonne: Warren Wilmer Brown, "Catalogue Raisonne of the Etchings of Eugene Paul Metour" , pp. 189 - 194, W. P. Truesdell, ed., The Print Connoisseur, Champlain, New York, July, 1923.
  Catalogue # 50, First and only state as published in the limited edition of one hundred signed impressions.
Reference: * Warren Wilmer Brown, "Eugene Paul Metour and his Etchings of Annapolis" , pp. 179 - 189, W. P. Truesdell, ed., The Print Connoisseur, Champlain, New York, July, 1923. * Quotation on pp.. 182 & 184.
Size: 8 X 4 7/8 (Sizes in inches are approximate, height preceding width of plate-mark or image.)
  Framed and Matted with 100% Archival Materials
  View larger Framed Image
  Southern Pines Framed Original Etching by Eugene Paul Metour
Condition: Printed upon thick wove paper and with full margins as published by The Print Connoisseur in July of 1923. Bearing Metour's monogram within the plate to the lower right and signed in pencil by him along the lower left margin for the limited edition of one hundred impressions. A fine, deeply printed, sepia impression and in very good condition throughout. Southern Pines represents a most important, original example of the finely etched art of Eugene Paul Metour.
Price: Sold - The price is no longer available.
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Original etching by the French / American artist, Eugene Paul Metour.

Southern Pines Original etching by the French American artist Eugene Paul Metour
Southern Pines

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Art of the Print / sells international fine art. Our collection consists of original paintings, watercolors, drawings, and original prints, such as etchings, engravings, lithographs, woodcuts, silk-screens, aquatints, mezzotints, linocuts, monoprints, and other mediums of original art. All of these works of art have been created by prominent and established painters, illustrators, watercolour artists and printmakers from around the world. The art in our gallery ranges from the early Renaissance period to the modern and contemporary art period. You can view other original artworks similar to the subject under discussion on this page listed in the following art directories.
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View other original works of art published by The Print Connoisseur, New York.

The Print Connoisseur, New York
# Title & Artist Artist Info Medium Date -
01.- A Former Landmark by Herbert Pullinger Herbert Pullinger (Philadelphia, 1878 - 1961) Original Woodcut 1928  
02.- A Gateway in Toledo by Samuel Chamberlain Samuel Chamberlain (Cresco, Iowa, 1895 - Marblehead, Massachusetts, 1975) Original Etching 1926 Sold
03.- African Drummer, from “Madman’s Drum” by Lynd Ward Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930  
04.- Balzac (Portrait of the French Novelist, Honore de Balzac) by Harry Everett Townsend Harry Everett Townsend (Camp Grove, Illinois, 1879 - Norwalk, CT, 1941) Original Linocut 1930  
05.- Bookplate of Mark Holstein (Bucking Holstein Bull) by Arthur Allen Lewis Arthur Allen Lewis (Mobile, Alabama, 1873 - New York City, 1957) Original Color Woodcut 1927 Sold
06.- By the Pond by Frederick Garrison Hall Frederick Garrison Hall (Baltimore, 1879 - Boston, 1946) Original Etching 1921  
07.- Canal Boat by Norman Kent Norman Kent (Pittsburgh, 1903 - Rochester, NY, 1972) Original Linocut 1929  
08.- Carol Singers by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Woodcut 1930 Sold
09.- Christmas 1927 by Harry Cimino Harry Cimino (Marion, Indiana, 1898 - New York, 1969) Original Wood Engraving in Two Colors 1928  
10.- Christmas Card for Albert E. McVitty (Shepherd Guarding his Sheep) by Arthur Allen Lewis Arthur Allen Lewis (Mobile, Alabama, 1873 - New York City, 1957) Original Color Woodcut 1927 Sold
11.- City Gates, Arabia by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Woodcut 1929  
12.- Courtyard at Rouen by Howard Simon Howard Simon, (New York, 1902 - 1979) Original Color Woodcut 1930  
13.- Croquis Pour le Cafe au Platane, Salonika (Salonique), Macedonia by Louis Godefroy Louis Godefroy (Paris, 1885 - 1934) Original Etching 1923  
14.- Dangerous Waters by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Color Woodcut 1929  
15.- Frontispiece to 'Hot Countries' by Lynd Ward 'Lynd Kendall Ward' Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930 Sold
16.- General Sutter by Harry Cimino Harry Cimino (Marion, Indiana, 1898 - New York, 1969) Original Wood Engraving in Three Colors 1928  
17.- Gloucester by Norman Kent Norman Kent (Pittsburgh, 1903 - Rochester, NY, 1972) Original Woodcut 1929  
18.- Greetings from Theodore B. Hapgood by Theodore Brown Hapgood 'Theodore Hapgood' Theodore Brown Hapgood (Somerville, MA, 1871 - Boston?, 1938) Original Woodcut 1930 Sold
19.- Kansas Cottonwoods by Coy Avon Seward Coy Avon Seward (Chase, Kansas, 1884 - Wichita, Kansas, 1939) Original Lithograph 1925 Sold
20.- La Marchande des Legumes (The Vegetable Merchant) by John Winkler John W. Winkler 'John Winkler' (Austria, 1890 - San Francisco, 1979) Original Etching 1924  
21.- Les Mendiants (Beggars) by Paul Mathey Paul Mathey (Paris, 1844 - 1929) Original Etching 1923  
22.- Les Trois Graces (The Three Graces) by Jacques Beltrand Jacques Beltrand (Paris, 1874 - Coucy-les-Eppes, l'Aisne, 1977) Original Color Wood Engraving 1925  
23.- Man at Labor, from Midsummer Night' by Lynd Ward 'Lynd Kendall Ward' Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930  
24.- Manhattan by Vojtech Preissig Vojtech Preissig (Svetec u Biliny, 1873 - Dachau, 1944) Original Mezzotint Engraving 1929 Sold
25.- Marine by Gaston de Latenay Gaston de Latenay (Toulouse, 1859 - Paris 1943) Original Etching 1924 Sold
26.- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Cora and Herbert Farrier by Theodore Brown Hapgood 'Theodore Hapgood' Theodore Brown Hapgood (Somerville, MA, 1871 - Boston?, 1938) Original Woodcut 1930  
27.- Moraine Park, Colorado by George Elbert Burr 'George Burr' George Elbert Burr (Monroe Falls, Ohio, 1859 - Phoenix, Arizona, 1939) Original Etching & Drypoint Engraving 1921  
28.- Night Walk, from 'Midsummer Night' by Lynd Ward 'Lynd Kendall Ward' Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930  
29.- Old Boston Houses by Thomas Nason 'Thomas Willough by Nason' Thomas Willoughby Nason 'Thomas Nason' (Dracut, Massachusetts, 1889 - Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1971) Original Wood Engraving 1926 Sold
30.- Outbound by George Canning Wales George Canning Wales (Boston, 1868 - 1940) Original Etching 1923  
31.- Peace be With You: The Honore's by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Woodcut 1930  
32.- Pierrot Peers Out by Norman Kent Norman Kent (Pittsburgh, 1903 - Rochester, NY, 1972) Original Color Linocut 1929 Sold
33.- Pike County, Grist Mill by Herbert Pullinger Herbert Pullinger (Philadelphia, 1878 - 1961) Original Woodcut 1928 Sold
34.- Pine Trees by Addison B. LeBoutillier 'Addison LeBoutillier' Addison LeBoutillier B. (Boston , 1872 - 1951) Original Etching 1926 Sold
35.- Primrose Court by Thomas Nason 'Thomas Willoughby Nason' Thomas Willoughby Nason 'Thomas Nason' (Dracut, Massachusetts, 1889 - Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1971) Original Wood Engraving 1926 Sold
36.- Roshinara (Roshanara) by Harry Everett Townsend Harry Everett Townsend (Camp Grove, Illinois, 1879 - Norwalk, CT, 1941) Original Linocut 1930 Sold
37.- Rupert Brooke by Norman Kent Norman Kent (Pittsburgh, 1903 - Rochester, NY, 1972) Original Woodcut 1929  
38.- Sea Gull by Henry Emerson Tuttle 'Henry Tuttle' Henry Emerson Tuttle (Lake Forest, Illinois., 1890 - New Haven, Connecticut., 1946) Original Drypoint Engraving 1928  
39.- Self Portrait by Harry Everett Townsend Harry Everett Townsend (Camp Grove, Illinois, 1879 - Norwalk, CT, 1941) Original Linocut 1930 Sold
40.- Slave Traders, from 'Madman's Drum' by Lynd Ward 'Lynd Kendall Ward' Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930 Sold
41.- Snow by Vojtech Preissig Vojtech Preissig (Svetec u Biliny, 1873 - Dachau, 1944) Original Aquatint Engraving 1929 Sold
42.- Southern Pines by Eugene Paul Metour Eugene Paul Metour (Brittany, France, 1880 - Williamstown, MA, 1928) Original Etching 1923 Sold
43.- Steel by Alexander P. Couard 'Alexander Couard' Alexander P. Couard 'Alexander Couard' (New York City, 1891 - ?) Original Color Linocut 1930 Sold
44.- Study in the Nude by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Color Woodcut 1929  
45.- The Auction of the Masterpiece, from “God’s Man” " by Lynd Ward Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930 Sold
46.- The Bent Cedar, Garden of the Gods by Sven Birger Sandzen Sven Birger Sandzen (Blidsberg, Sweden, 1871 - Lindsborg, Kansas, 1954) Original Woodcut 1923 Sold
47.- The Boy Reading, from 'Madman's Drum' by Lynd Ward 'Lynd Kendall Ward' Lynd Kendall Ward 'Lynd Ward' (Chicago, 1905 - 1985) Original Wood Engraving 1930 Sold
48.- The Blacksmith Shop by Thomas Nason 'Thomas Willoughby Nason' Thomas Willoughby Nason 'Thomas Nason' (Dracut, Massachusetts, 1889 - Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1971) Original Wood Engraving 1926 Sold
49.- The Enchanted City by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Color Woodcut 1929  
50.- The Gallion by Harry Cimino Harry Cimino (Marion, Indiana, 1898 - New York, 1969) Original Wood Engraving in Three Colors 1928  
51.- The House by Vojtech Preissig Vojtech Preissig (Svetec u Biliny, 1873 - Dachau, 1944) Original Linocut in Three Colours 1929 Sold
52.- The Little Canyon, Arizona by George Elbert Burr George Elbert Burr (Monroe Falls, Ohio, 1859 - Phoenix, Arizona, 1939) Original Etching & Drypoint Engraving 1930  
53.- The Old Man Carving Figures by Paul Honore Paul Honore (Little Cooley, Pennsylvania, 1885 - Philadelphia, 1956) Original Color Woodcut 1929  
54.- Webster Avenue, Boston by Thomas Nason Thomas Willoughby Nason 'Thomas Nason' (Dracut, Massachusetts, 1889 - Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1971) Original Wood Engraving 1926 Sold
55.- Who Wants Gold??? by Harry Cimino Harry Cimino (Marion, Indiana, 1898 - New York, 1969) Original Wood Engraving in Four Colors 1928  
56.- Winter in New England by Herbert Pullinger Herbert Pullinger (Philadelphia, 1878 - 1961) Original Woodcut 1928 Sold - Art of The Print Gallery

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