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Jules Laurens's original lithograph, Puits Breton (Breton Well) is based upon a design created by Charles de Tournemine. This impression was published in 1854 in Paris for the 19th century French series entitled, Les Artistes Contemporains and bears its rectangular stamp in the lower centre margin. The series was published between 1845 and 1855 and contained prints by such fine lithographic artists as Celestin Nanteuil, Adolphe Mouilleron, Francais, Eugene Leroux and Henri Baron. This original lithograph bears the rectangular blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" as well as the artist's names 'Jules Laurens Lith."& "Ch. de Tournemine Pinx." and printers name "Imp. Bertauts r. Cadet, Paris" printed along the lower margin. It depicts a cloudy landscape scene of the French countryside. To the right, there are two two seated figures and a dog by a wooden structure (most likely the well), shaded by an old tree. To their left, there is a man on a white horse watches them, also to the left, there is a woman with a water pot on her head carrying a large bundle around her waist walking towards the group. This is a fine, original example of the landscape art created by the French artists, Jules Joseph Augustin Laurens & Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine. |
Title: | Puits Breton (Breton Well) |
Lithographer: | Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens 'Jules Laurens' (Carpentras, 1825 - Paris, 1901) |
Designer | Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine 'Charles de Tournemine' (Toulon, 1814 - 1873) |
Date: | 1854 |
Medium: | Original Lithograph |
Printer: | Bertauts, Paris |
Series | Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris |
Note: | Jules Joseph Augustin Laurens 'Jules Laurens': A nineteenth century French painter, lithographer and etcher, Jules Joseph Augustin Laurens first studied art techniques under his elder brother, Jean-Joseph-Bonaventure Laurens (1801-1890). Showing considerable talent he was then sent to Paris to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, under Paul Delaroche. Laurens’s first exhibited works of art at the Paris Salon were in the medium of lithography. His original lithographs received medals in 1853, 1859 and 1861. |
In 1859 Jules Laurens published a portfolio of one hundred lithographs entitled, “Voyage en Turquie et en Perse”. From that point on Laurens’s art dealt mainly with Eastern and Orientalist scenes, particularly of Turkey, Persia, Teheran, Algeria and Morocco. Also, after 1860, he concentrated mostly on the media of painting and etching. | |
Jules Laurens was appointed a chevalier de la Legion d’honneur in 1868. Today examples of his fine art are included in public museums in Rouen, Avignon, Metz, Paris and London. | |
Charles de Tournemine 'Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine': A mid nineteenth century landscape and Orientalist painter, Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine studied art techniques under Louis Gabriel Eugene Isabey (1803-1886). His first exhibited works of art were landscapes and coastal scenes of Brittany, such as this original lithograph. In 1854, however, Charles de Tournemine visited the East. After that date his art dealt almost exclusively upon Orientalist scenes, particularly of Algeria and other North African locations. | |
Charles de Tournemine was also a conservator at the Luxembourg Museum, Paris. He received the Legion d’honneur in 1853. | |
Puits Breton (Breton Well): An original lithograph by Jules Laurens 'Jules Joseph Augustin Laurens', Puits Breton was designed by Charles de Tournemine, also listed as 'Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine'. It was published in Paris for Les Artistes Contemporains in 1854, and bears the rectangular blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" in the lower centre margin. The series, published between 1845-1855, contained original prints by such fine lithographers, etchers and engravers as Paul Gavarni, Francois-Louis Francais, Adolphe Mouilleron, Celestin-Francois Nanteuil, Charles Joshua Chaplin, Eugene Leroux, Henri Baron, Jules Laurens and other 19th century French artists. Puits Breton was later republished in 1860 for Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes. The later impression bears their circular stamp as well as the title within the lower margin, and the number, ‘204’, to the upper right of the image. An 1860 impression is housed in the collection of the British Museum, London, and can be viewed on their web site under the museum number, 1880,0710.213. This original lithograph hails from the earlier, Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris edition. The image depicts a scene in the countryside with trees and clouds throughout. To the right, two seated figures and a dog by a wooden structure (the well) shaded by an old tree. To their left, there is a man on a white horse and a woman with a water pot on her head walking towards them. For further information see: Jules Laurens: Illustre d'apres les oeuvres de l'artiste, University of B. C. Library, by Labande, Leon Honore, published by H. Champion, Paris, 1910, 200 Planches Dans "Les Artistes Contemporains", (2) "Puits breton" apres le meme (Ch. de Tournemine); No 166. |
Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris: The 1852 issue of Les Artistes Contemporains contains information written by the French artist, Charles de Tournemine stating that the first volume of this set was published in 1845. The 2nd paragraph reads as follows; "La publication des Artistes contemporains, qui remonte a l'annee 1845, es la tentative la plus hardie aqui ait ete faite par la lithographie moderne. Reunir dans une meme pensee les principaux ouvrages de nos peintres les mettre a la portee de tout le monde, etait une oeuvre utile et nationale qui se recommandait par elle-meme a l’attention et a la sympathie de ceux qui aiment et protegent les arts. (4th paragraph), Les Artistes contemprains sont, des aujourd'hui, un monument eleve a L'Ecole Francais et une histoire complete de l'art au XIX siecle. Paris, 1852 * Ch. de Tournemine". A loose translation of that information reads; (The publication of the "Artistes Contemporains", dating back to the year 1845, is the boldest attempt that has been done for modern lithography. Bringing together the principal works of art of our painters and making them available to the whole world, was a useful and national undertaking which recommends itself to the attention and support of those who love and patronize the arts. The Artistes contemporains (contemporary artists), are, as of today, a grand monument to the French School and a complete history of art of the 19th century.* Ch. de Tournemine). Note: Many sources document the publication dates as (1846-1853), however, the Biblioteque National notes that the publication of "Les Artistes Contemporains" began in 1845 and published its last issue in 1855. The Universitatsbibiothek Heidelberg includes a set of "Les Artistes Contemporains" in its permanent collection dating from (1847 to 1853). The 1847 issue contains information regarding the artists and publication information, it reads; "Les Artistes Contemporains - Premiere Annee - Lithographies et Gravures de MM. Baron, Dausats, Decamps, E. Delacroix, Francais, Gavarni, Eug. Leroux, Cel Nanteuil.. - Paris Goupil, Vibert et Cie, 15 Boulevard Montmartre, 1847". It contains twenty one plates starting with a frontispiece by Francais and the remaining plates are numbered, (1 to 20) in the upper right margin. The 1848 issue is numbered (21 to 40), and contains a frontispiece by C. Nanteuil. Note: There are two issues listed with the date of 1849. The first '1849' issue, "Troisieme Anne" contains a frontispiece by A. Mouilleron and two different address on the title page the plates are numbered (41 to 60). The second 1849 issue,"Quatrieme Annee", contains a frontispiece by E. Hilderbrandt and the plates are numbered (61 to 80) and contains the publisher's name "Paris, Goupil, Vibert et Cie." in the title page. The issues dating from (1850 to 1852), each contain a frontispiece and twenty plates numbered (81 to 140), and lastly, the 1853 issue, 8e. Annee (8th year), like all the others, contains a frontispiece, this one is by Jules Laurens printed by Lemercier, Paris and twenty plates, numbered, (141 to 160), works by Coignard, Ed. Bertin, Penguilly, Ch. de Tournemine, Alex Bida, Jules Laurens, Jules Dupre, P. marilhat, C. Doussault, Plasso, and Decamps. The Online Archive of California notes that the suite of 160 lithographs by diverse artists was printed by Bertauts and published successively in 8 volumes from 1845 to 1853 under the title of "les Artistes Contemporains". The catalogue listing the works by Jules Laurens notes that there were two hundred plates in the set which means the set would have been printed in ten volumes ending in 1855 as the Biblioteque National notes. See: Jules Laurens, Illustre d'apres les oeuvres de l'artiste, University of B. C. Library, by Labande, Leon Honore, published by H. Champion, Paris, 1910, Chaptre III, Les Lithographies et eaux-fortes de Jules Laurens, 200 Planches Dans "Les Artistes Contemporains", (2) "Puits breton" apres le meme (Ch. de Tournemine); plate #166. | |
A collection of masterpieces from the French school of art was commissioned for Les Artistes Contemporains from 1845 to 1855. Each album contained reproductive and most importantly, original lithographs, engravings and etchings created by contemporary French artists of the 19th century. These prints bear the rectangular blindstamp of Les Artistes Contemporains. They were sold in portfolios (with the addition of a number in the upper right corner) and were also sold as individual prints (without the numbers, some were proofs others were early impressions). Both the portfolio and individual impressions were sold by Goupil or Goupil & Co. through the various company branches or by correspondents. Since "Puits Breton" (Breton Well) does not contain the number in the upper right corner, it is possibly one of the individual prints sold by the Goupil firm. Goupil & Co. was an important international printing / publishing / editing firm and Gallery in France founded by Adolphe Goupil (1806-1893) who entered into partnership with John Arrowsmith around 1827. Goupil later partnered with the German print dealer, Joseph Henry Rittner (1802-1840), and after Rittner's death, he then entered into partnership with Theodore Vibert (1816-1850), from around 1841 to 1850. Goupil & Co. opened a branch in London, represented by Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), who was also a major publisher and dealer in London. Another branch was opened in New York. (Note: The New York Branch of Goupil & Co., sold in 1857 to their N. Y. associate and manager, Michael Knoedler. The firm was later renamed as M. Knoedler & Co. and became one of the most important art publishing houses / galleries in the United States. See Knoedler & Co.). Through the years, Goupil continued to expand and opened branches in Berlin, the Hague and Brussels and also included new partners and associates to the firm such as Leon Boussod, Vincent van Gogh (the painter's uncle), Rene Valadon, and others. After nearly a century in business, their firm closed its doors around 1917 / 1919. As it took a period of several years to publish Les Artistes Contemporains, the Goupil firm underwent various changes of address and company names due to the addition or removal of partners and branches. The variations that appeared on some of the Les Artistes Contemprains publications were found in issues and or prints held in private and public collections. These changes are noted below. Note: As stated earlier, there are two issues listed for the year 1849, These issues contain a different address and name. Charles Furne (1794 - 1859) was a French publisher and editor. in 1833 he partnered with the editor Charles Gosselin (1793 1859) and the printer Henri Fournier, establishing the firm of Furne & Cie. Theodore Vibert (1816-1850) entered into partnership after around 1841 until his death in 1850. During that period, the firm names appear as 'Goupil & Vibert', 'Goupil et Vibert', and 'Goupil, Vibert et Cie'.
Bertauts, Publishing & Printing Firm (c. 1830's - c. 1970's): The renowned French lithographic publisher and printer, Bertauts was considered one of the finest printers in Europe during the mid-nineteenth century. According to the Beaus-Arts – de la Lithographie et des Imprimeurs, Bertauts began printing lithographs after 1826 and established his lithographic firm in 1836. During the 1830's and into the 1870's, original lithographs printed by Bertauts appeared in such publications as, "L'Artiste, Paris" (1831-1904), "Album du Salon" (1839-1844), "Les Beaux-Arts" (1843-1844), "Les Artistes Contemporains", (1845 - 1853), "Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes, Paris" (1850 - 1862), "Animaux et Paysages d'Apres Nature" (1858), the "Gazette des beaux arts" (1859-1939), "Souvenirs d' Artistes" (1860-1876), and other major 19th century art journals of the time. Puits Breton (Breton Well) was printed by Bertauts in Paris for Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris in 1854. | |
Reference: | Leon Honore Labande, Jules Laurens: Ouvrage Illustre d'apres les oeuvres de l'artiste, Paris, Honore Champion, Libraire-Editeur, 5, Quai, Malaquais, 5, 1910, Chapter III, Pages 200-201, Planches Dans "Les Artistes Contemporains: " Puits Breton" by Jules Laurens after Charles Tournemen, plate # 166. |
Henri Beraldi, Les Graveurs du XIX Siècle: guide de l’amateur ‘estampes modernes, Volumes 9-10, Paris Librairie L. Conquet, 5, Rue Drouot, 5, 1889, Pg. 60, #2, lists various lithographs published by Bertauts for Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes et Les Artistes Contemporains, by Jules Laurens after Charles de Tournemine, 1850 et Suiv. They include; Puits Breton; Patres de Smyrne; Retour des Bergers; Maree basse; La Mare au Moulin; Route pres Guerande; and Souvenir d'Asie Mineure. |
Size: | 12 5/8 X 9 1/2 (Sizes in inches are approximate, height preceding width of plate-mark or image.) |
Matted with 100% Archival Materials | |
Buy Now | Price: $225.00 US |
Condition: | Printed upon nineteenth century wove paper and with full margins as published in Paris for Les Artistes Contemporains in 1854. Bearing the rectangular blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" as well as the artist's names 'Jules Laurens Lith."& "Ch. de Tournemine Pinx." and printers name "Imp. Bertauts r. Cadet, Paris" printed along the lower margin. Containing overall toning and staining (most noticeable in the margins) as a result of an earlier, acidic matting, else in fair condition throughout. Puits Breton (Breton Well) represents a prime, original example of the fine art of Jules Laurens and of Charles de Tournemine. |
Subject: | Jules Laurens, Jules Joseph Augustin Laurens, Charles de Tournemine, Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine, Puits Breton (Breton Well), original lithograph, Les Artistes Contemporains, Louis Gabriel Eugene Isabey (1803-1886), landscapes and coastal scenes of Brittany, nineteenth century French painter, lithographer and etcher. |
Important Information: | The artist biographies, research and or information pertaining to all the original works of art posted on our pages has been written and designed by Greg & Connie Peters exclusively for our site, (www.artoftheprint.com). Please visit us regularly to view the latest artworks offered for sale. We will soon be posting an update of our most recent research and include the biographical and historical information pertaining to our next collection of original works of art created by artists throughout the centuries. We hope you found the information you were looking for and that it has been beneficial. Our Gallery, (Art of the Print / www.artoftheprint.com) guarantees the authenticity of every work of art we sell 100%. Full documentation and certification is provided. We offer a wide selection of international fine art dating from the early Renaissance to the contemporary art period. |
Original Lithograph by the French artist, Jules Laurens 'Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens' after a design by Charles Emile Vacher De Tournemine 'Charles de Tournemine'
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Puits Breton (Breton Well) |
View other original etchings by Jules Laurens.
Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens 'Jules Laurens' (Carpentras, 1825 - Paris, 1901) | ||||||
# | Image | Title & Engraver | Medium | Date | Notes | - |
01- | ![]() |
Canards Sauvages (Wild Ducks) by Jules Laurens | Original Etching | 1862 | Signed within the plate and bearing the official blindstamp "A. Cadart & Luquet, Editeurs, 79. R. Richelieu", the title, "Canards Sauvages", the publisher's name, "Paris, publie par A. Cadart & F. Chevalier, Editeurs, Rue Richelieu 66", the artist's name "Jules Laurens sculpt" and the printer's details "Imp. Delatre, Rue des Feuillantines 4, Paris" in the lower margin as published by Alfred Cadart's "Societe des Aqua-Fortistes", Paris for the "Eaux-Fortes Modernes". | |
02.- | ![]() |
Puits Breton (Breton Well) by Jules Laurens designed by Charles de Tournemine | Original Lithograph | 1854 | Bearing the full publisher's address and rectangular blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" as well as the artist's names "Jules Laurens Lith:" & "Ch. de Tournemine Pinx", & the printers details, "Imp. Bertauts. r. Cadet, Paris" printed along the lower margin as published for "Les Artistes Contemporains". | |
03.- | ![]() |
Sous Les Murs de Teheran, Perse (Within the Walls of Teheran, Persia) by Jules Laurens | Original Etching | 1863 | Signed by Jules Laurens within the plate and bearing the official blindstamp "A. Cadart & Luquet, Editeurs, 79. R. Richelieu", the title, "Sous Les Murs de Teheran", the publisher's name, "Paris, publie par A. Cadart & F. Chevalier, Editeurs, Rue Richelieu 66", the artist's name "Jules Laurens sculpt" and the printer's details "Imp. Delatre, Rue St. Jacques, 303, Paris" in the lower margin above the plate-mark. as published by Alfred Cadart's "Societe des Aqua-Fortistes", Paris for the "Eaux-Fortes Modernes". | Sold |
04.- | ![]() |
Truands de Campagne (Thieves in the Countryside) by Jules Laurens | Original Etching | 1865 | Signed by Jules Laurens within the plate, 'Proof Impression' before the addition of the title, or printer's and publisher's details as published by Alfred Cadart's "Societe des Aqua-Fortistes", Paris for the "Eaux-Fortes Modernes". |
View other original works published by Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris.
"Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris" | |||||||
# | Image | Title & Artist | Artist Info | Medium | Date | Notes | - |
01- | ![]() |
Puits Breton (Breton Well) by Jules Laurens designed by Charles de Tournemine | Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens 'Jules Laurens' (Carpentras, 1825 - Paris, 1901) after Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine 'Charles de Tournemine' (Toulon, 1814 – 1873) | Original Lithograph | 1854 | Bearing the publisher's rectangular blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" as well as the artist's names 'Jules Laurens Lith:" & "Ch. de Tournemine Pinx", and the printers name "Imp. Bertauts.r. Cadet, Paris" printed along the lower margin. | |
02.- | ![]() |
The Rose (Conversation) by Tony Johannot | Tony Johannot (Offenbach, 1803 - Paris, 1852) | Original Etching | 1850 | Signed and dated "Tony Johannot 1849" by the artist in the plate along the lower margin and bearing the blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" under the signature and the number "85" in the upper right margin. | Sold |
03.- | ![]() |
Village de Turquie (Turkish Village, an Orientalist Scene) by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps | Alexandre Gabriel Decamps (Paris, 1803 - Fontainebleau, 1860) | Original Etching | 1847 | Signed by Alexandre Decamps in the plate along the lower margin, numbered 12 on plate, top right, and bearing the blindstamp of "Les Artistes Contemporains" under the signature, Third State of Three. |
View other original works of art by the 19th century publisher / printer Bertauts, Paris.
Bertauts, Paris | ||||||||||
# | Artist Last Name | Image | Artist & Title | Medium | Date | Artist Information | Notes | - | ||
01.- | Baron | ![]() |
Jeux d'enfants (Children's Games) by Henri Charles Antoine Baron 'Henri Baron' | Original Lithograph | 1853 | Henri Charles Antoine Baron 'Henri Baron' (Besancon, 1816 - Geneva, 1885) | Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes, Bertauts, Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, II, Paris". | |||
02.- | Baron | ![]() |
La Musique (Music) by Henri Charles Antoine Baron 'Henri Baron' | Original Lithograph | 1854 | Henri Charles Antoine Baron 'Henri Baron' (Besancon, 1816 - Geneva, 1885) | Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes, Bertauts, Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, Paris". | |||
03.- | Bodmer | ![]() |
Marcassins (Young Wild Boars) by Karl Bodmer | Original Tinted Lithograph | 1858 | Karl Bodmer (Riesbach, Switzerland, 1809 - France, 1893) | Animaux et Paysages d'apres Nature, Goupil & Cie., Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, Paris". | |||
04.- | Bodmer | ![]() |
Sangliers dans une Mare (Wild Boars in a Pond) by Karl Bodmer | Original Tinted Lithograph | 1858 | Karl Bodmer (Riesbach, Switzerland, 1809 - France, 1893) | Animaux et Paysages d'apres Nature, Goupil & Cie., Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, Paris". | Sold | ||
05.- | Boulanger | ![]() |
Attaque du Lion by Louis Boulanger | Original Tinted Lithograph | c. 1830 (Souvenirs d'Artistes edition) | Louis Boulanger (Vercelli, 1806 - Dijon, 1867) | Souvenirs d'Artistes, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, Paris". | |||
06.- | Chaplin | ![]() |
Nymphe bocagere (Woodland Nymph) by Charles Joshua Chaplin designed by Philippe Auguste Jeanron | Original Lithograph | 1851 | Charles Joshua Chaplin (Les Andelys, Eure, France, 1825 - Paris, 1891) after Philippe Auguste Jeanron (Boulogne, 1808 - Paris, 1877) | L'Artiste, Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, Paris". | |||
07.- | Chaplin | ![]() |
Le Soir dans les Bruyeres (Evening in the Moors) by Charles Joshua Chaplin | Original Lithograph | 1849 | Charles Joshua Chaplin (Les Andelys, Eure, France, 1825 - Paris, 1891) | L'Artiste, Paris (Salon 1849), "Imp. Bertauts, Paris". | |||
08.- | Dauzats | ![]() |
Portes de Fer Les Soldats atteignent la second muraille (Gates of Iron The Soldiers Reach the Second Wall) by Adrien Dauzats | Original Lithograph | 1841 | Adrien Dauzats (Bordeaux, 1804 - Paris, 1868) | Salon de 1841, Challamel edit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye. F.S.' G.', Paris, Maison du Roi, "Imp. Petit & Bertauts". | |||
09.- | Francais | ![]() |
Un Chemin (A Road) by Francois-Louis Francais | Original Lithograph | 1842 | Francois-Louis Francais (Plombieres (Vosges), 1814 - Paris, 1897) | Salon de 1842, Challamel edit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye. (S.' G.'), "Paris, Imp. Bertauts". | |||
10.- | Gavarni | ![]() |
Gulnare (Mlle. Melanie Waldor) by Paul Gavarni | Original Lithograph | 1843 | Paul Gavarni, 'Hippolyte Guillaume Suplice Chavalier' (Paris, 1804 - Auteuil, 1866) | Les Beaux-Arts, Paris, L. Curmer, 49, Rue de Richelieu, "Imp. Bertauts" | Sold | ||
11.- | Gavarni | ![]() |
Les Femmes Artistes, Madame E. de B. (Women Artists, Mrs. E. de B., wife of Charles Edouard de Beaumont) by Paul Gavarni | Original Lithograph | 1856 | Paul Gavarni, 'Hippolyte Guillaume Suplice Chavalier' (Paris, 1804 - Auteuil, 1866) | L'Artiste, "Imp. Bertauts". | |||
12.- | Laurens | ![]() |
Puits Breton (Breton Well) by Jules Laurens designed by Charles de Tournemine | Original Lithograph | c. 1850 - 1853 | Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens 'Jules Laurens' (Carpentras, 1825 - Paris, 1901) after Charles Emile Vacher de Tournemine 'Charles de Tournemine' (Toulon, 1814 – 1873) | Les Artistes Contemporains, Paris, "Imp. Bertauts, r. Cadet, Paris". | |||
13.- | Leleux | ![]() |
Zingari, Lombardie Venitienne (Gypsies, Lombardy-Venetia) by Armand Leleux | Original Lithograph | 1845 | Armand Hubert Simon Leleux 'Armand Leleux' (Paris, 1818 - 1885) | L’Artiste, Paris, (Salon de 1845), "Imp. Bertauts". | |||
14.- | Leroux | ![]() |
L'Embuscade (The Ambush) by Eugene Leroux 'Eugene Le Roux' | Original Lithograph | 1843 | Eugene Leroux "Eugene Le Roux' (Caen, 1807 or 1811 – Paris, 1863) | Les Beaux-Arts, "Imp. Bertauts, r. St. Marc, 14". | |||
15.- | Leroux | ![]() |
Le Singe au Miroir (The Monkey at the Mirror) by Eugene Leroux 'Eugene Le Roux' | Original Lithograph | 1850 | Eugene Leroux "Eugene Le Roux' (Caen, 1807 or 1811 – Paris, 1863) after Alexandre Gabriel Decamps (Paris, 1803 - Fontainebleau, 1860) | Les Artistes Anciens et Modernes, "Imp. Bertauts". | |||
16.- | Martin | ![]() |
Gorges d’Apremont Gorges of Apremont by Hector Martin | Original Lithograph | 1846 | Hector Martin (France. c. 1825 -1846) | L'Artiste, "Imp. Bertauts, Paris" | |||
17.- | Martin | ![]() |
Metairie Bourbonnaise (Small Farm, Bourbonnaise) by Hector Martin | Original Lithograph | 1848 | Hector Martin (France. c. 1825 -1846) | L'Artiste, "Imp. Bertauts, Paris". | |||
18.- | Martin | ![]() |
Pecheur Champenois (Fisherman of Champagne) by Hector Martin | Original Lithograph | 1848 | Hector Martin (France. c. 1825 -1846) | L'Artiste, "Imp. Bertauts, r. st. Marc 14". | |||
19.- | Mouilleron | ![]() |
Jeune homme jouant de la basse (Young Man Playing the Cello) by Adolphe Mouilleron after a design by Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier | Original Lithograph | 1842 | Adolphe Mouilleron (Paris, 1820 – 1881) after Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (Lyons, 1815 - Poissy, 1891) | Salon de 1842, Challamel edit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye. (S.' G.'), "Paris, Imp. Bertauts". | Sold | ||
20.- | Mouilleron | ![]() |
L'Orage (The Storm) by Adolphe Mouilleron | Original Lithograph | 1844 | Adolphe Mouilleron (Paris, 1820 – 1881) | Les Beaux-Arts, Paris, Leon Curmer, 49 Rue Richelieu, Paris, "Imp. Bertauts | |||
21.- | Nanteuil | ![]() |
Une Source (A Source, Particularly of a Stream or River) by Celestin-Francois Nanteuil | Original Lithograph | 1842 | Celestin-Francois Nanteuil (Rome, 1813 - Bourron-Marlotte, 1873) | Salon de 1842, Challamel edit. 4. R. de L'Abbaye. (S.' G.'), "Paris, Imp. Bertauts". |
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